The green, green grass of home
Who could have imagined that a lawn could be, well, so GREEN!
None of the crunchy, brown needle-tipped variety almost feels incorrect to call it 'grass' without bindi-i.
(Walking across a lawn without sporadic hopping and cursing? Where's the fun in that?)

We even went so far as to purchase a lawn mower! We felt that an inexpensive prehistoric mechanical push-pull jobby would be just perfect for our postage stamp*, and as the evidence shows, it fits in nicely with C's fitness regime. No room for recreating memories of early morning Saturday's when the sounds and smells of two-strokes permeated the suburbs!

A has rounded off the week by practising a little more of what the natives do best—gardening. Garden fixation appears to be the national past time. Alex has weeded what she assumes are weeds, sown lettuce and herb seeds and is now eargerly awaiting the next installment of Gardener's Question Time on the Beeb. (Are we blending in yet?)
Tomorrow is May Day. Let's see what Rites of Spring we can create...
* For our British friends, please don't think that we are being derogatory regarding the size of our garden—we love it! We are simply comparing our new outdoor area with our enormous and enormously neglected Sydney bushland, a.k.a. "Redevelopment Project".
P.S A requiem for those plants whose lives have been tragically cut short in A's attempt at gardening will be held at a later date...
Yay! We have one of those mowers, they're hilarious; although now with TWO lawns it takes enormous time and effort, but every little bit saves our planet (and our waistlines - what a work-out). Tip - don't let the grass grow too long in between mows. Hope to be online at the same time as you soon so we can e-chat!
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