Heaven is a chocolate biscuit

You can know that you have connected with a good thing when friends ('A'+'B') invite you to a meal where you then meet one of their equally charming friends ('C'). Over coffee, you casually mention how, after only a few months of abstinence, you are missing certain foods from home.
Now, here is the good part: a few months later, new friend 'C' travels to Australia and brings back to England, not one but TWO, packs of Tim Tams...we are happy on sooo many levels today!
Thanks so much, Maryanne, Pippa and Tim!
We are having a week of holiday now that Easter is over and so will be away from all things technical and internet-related until next weekend. We shall be driving back to Rutland (where we spent Christmas) and are very much looking forward to both the Rutland countryside and a short peaceful break.
Would you like to know some interesting facts about England's smallest county?
•It's so small that most English have never heard of it.
•It has a castle in the county town of Oakham that looks like a shed.
•Rutland Water is the largest man made lake in Europe.
•Rutland is only 18 miles across in each direction.
•It was home to the world's smallest man (Jeffrey Hudson), the father of tourism (Thomas Cook), the 6th worst Briton of the past 1,000 years (Titus Oates) and Sir Isaac Newton.
•It schooled Boris Karloff, who was born the significantly more mundane name of William Henry Pratt
•... and a distant cousin of Alex's created the strongest beer in the known world at 22% alcohol content (Baz's Bonce Blower')
See you again in about a week-as long as we steer clear of the local brew!
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