Poor whale. It died whilst being rescued.
What is astonishing is the amount of media and general interest there was in this event...television subtitles were flashed on the screen announcing the animal's death and it was the headline news item on the BBC News 24 for many hours. I wonder what it says about society when we are THAT interested and affected by a lost and sickly animal. I, too, was upset that it was in trouble, but find it hard to place it in the same (or higher) context of the millions of people who are also displaced and sick—and yet get no television coverage with minute-by-minute updates of their welfare and need for assistance...
On another item of news, a portrait has been found last week, in London of what may be the only image in existence of Lady Jane Grey—the "Nine Day Queen". Lady Jane was beheaded at the age of 17 following her short reign in 1553.
The Protestant Lady Jane was the grand-daughter of Henry VIII's Catholic sister Mary, who proclaimed herself rightful queen under the terms of Henry's will.
It had long been thought that she was the only English monarch since 1500 of whom no contemporaneous portrait survived. Until now, perhaps.
Here is the portrait...

Many tests have been carried out on it, to determine its authenticity. One of which was an X-ray, which delivered surprising results...(click on image to enlarge)

Of course, this confirms my long-held suspicions that we are related. Grey is not a particularly common surname and of course, as you know, I have been instituted with all the grace and demeanour of a que..
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