Colder than Iceland

While Sydney melts in 44 degree plus temperatures (we are soooo thankful that we are not there), we have been experiencing our own unusual weather. What be these cold white particles that droppeth from the heavens?
Boxing Day in Rutland presented us with -14 degrees (yes, that's MINUS...) and beautiful crisp snow. Enough snow to make everything graphically black and white. Enough snow to make A addicted to weather reports to see when more will be on the way and produce a portfolio of 8 inch tall snowmen around the yard. Enough snow to make the spaniel take up the doggy equivalent of stage-diving from even the tiniest embankment in order to plow headfirst into a cushion of it. In fact, enough snow to lure C away from reading by the fireside...

Happy New Year friends! Hope you can escape the heat.
PS. More Christmas/Rutland/Snow/Dog pics can be found here
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