Supermarket sweepstake
The weekly supermarket shop is usually pretty predictable and dull and this week appeared to be no exception...until we spotted THIS:

Funky Fish.
Doesn't really sound very appetising does it...It's pasta (if you can call the vague mixing of flour and water that). At the time, we were oblivious to the other pasta varieties for sale on the shelves, but after doing some research (truly!), I found this magnificent devotional to all things tinned and pasta-like available in the UK.
I'm especially keen to know what the sales of "Animal Hospital" pasta is? Are there little pasta-forms of Rolf Harris? Or surgical equipment?
What does impress me is the dedication of the website's owner to tracking-down, purchasing, opening, dissecting, photographing and documenting food! Check out the website ( to see what the inside of chocolate bars, biscuits...and more varieties of pasta look like!
Anyway, supermarket shopping can now be pursued with a little more excitement, especially as we are going to go armed with our camera. Things like this are far too good not to record...

Yes, it does say, "Mr. Brains' 2 faggots in rich sauce". Hmmm...
That's the questionable side of buying food in Basingrad. What we have recently done is sign-up to a weekly delivery from which supplies organic British produce at (we think?) reasonable prices. Each week the selection varies, depending on what is in season and so far we have not been disappointed. We receive the "mini bag" which is supposed to be enough for one person for a week, but the name is misleading—a huge sack arrives filled with all sorts. It feels a bit like a grown-up version of the Sydney Easter Show Sample Bag as there are vegetable-y things in there which we have never seen before. It is especially comforting to see produce as it is before it has been polished, waxed, sprayed and made uniform by the supermarkets. Personally, I like a little bit of dirt, bug—and character— with my food!

May the (organic) force be with you...
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