Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Dawn, New Day, New Year.

Two thousand and six. It has a nice sound to it; fresh and new, full of exciting must certainly mean that the 'festive season' is finally over and that we can push Christmas to the back of the cupboard for another year. Doesn't it?

C did a admirable job amongst the battling nativity scene angels (not of one accord) and headbutting shepherd boys to deliver his talk at St. Andrew's before Christmas. Here it is in summary...

"How often do we see a child doing something and then apply it to a profession they might have when they grow up?
We see little Jane building with blocks and we say, "Ooh, maybe they'll be an architect". Proud parents see Charlie bump a ball around the room and closely follow it wth comments about playing for England one day. We recognise that babies grow up to be something: Baby Jane and Charlie will not always be 'baby'.

At Christmas we remember a baby—we remember Jesus. However the importance of Jesus is not that he was a baby but that he grew up to be the focus of God's plan for history. This plan of God was for Jesus to buy back (redeem) all those who do not submit to God—that is everyone, you and me.
Jesus, the baby we remember, grew up to die for others. This was the price of buying us back."

Not to be put back in the cupboard.


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