Thursday, January 18, 2007

How fast does a snail crawl?

If you are anything like A, and sit through endless nights battling insomnia, you may be a fan of trivia web sites. Oh! the things one can learn! For example,
Q. What is the average speed of a crawling garden snail?
A. 0.00036 miles per hour or 0.5842m per hour

Q. What was the average speed of a garden snail in Sherbornes with Pamber/Basingstoke today, given that there were gale force winds of 78 miles per hour?
A.12,553m per hour. That's a snail with serious speed.

It was VERY windy.


At 11:19 am, Blogger Leanne's Epistles said...

We've always enjoyed your trivial intellect and are always looking to see what else you can inlighten us with!!


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