Something to aspire to
If we weren't crystal clear on why God had brought us to England, we are in no doubt NOW*...
Over the years C and A have been entertained by the eccentricities of The World Beard Championships.
The Rugby World Cup, The Olympic Games and The Commonwealth Games only occur every four years, but such is the popularity of The World Beard Championships that it takes place every second year...and this year it is being held in England...and not just that, but relatively close by in Brighton! Joy of Joys! The diary has already been updated!
Men who have a particular penchant for emphasising the artistic capabilities of their facial hirsutism gather with the following aims:
1. to promote good relationships between members of moustache and beard clubs throughout the world and,
2. to encourage and celebrate standards of excellence in the growth, design and presentation of facial hair.
What more could you want from a hobby?
And so the training begins for C as he has a bit of work to do in the next 8 months. The standard is very high as this is a serious global event as you can see by these chaps below (You can check out more contestants at the previous championships here.)

You can see C sizing up his anticipated style below. He likes to call his style "The Assyrian".

* Ok, so we're being a bit cheeky about pretending we don't know why we are here, but isn't God good that He created this 'coincidence' for us!!! (wink)
well the challenge has certainly been given. God luck Cameron. No really I mean it!
Good to see that you are back in the realms of cyberspace and that there is still the benefits of your quirky sense of humour to us down here. All the best.
of course that should have been "good luck" but God will still have a big part to play!
Good to see the return of the blog!
Hey Cam maybe you can keep it going till November and raise some money for "Movember" while you're at it. By then it ought to be pretty impressive!
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