"More tea, Vicar?"
Cameron, Alex and Sasunnach the English Springer Spaniel - all of us Australian by birth - have moved, first to England, and now more recently to Northern Ireland! Cameron works at All Saints Church, Belfast, Alex is a skilled artisan, most recently using her skills as a Fine Art Printmaker (any excuse to play with dangerous chemicals!). Sasunnach, ('Englishman' in Scots Gaelic) likes being wet, chasing things, and being chased.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What be these cold white particles?

I'm writing this in the very unsociable hour of 2am because the spaniel has stirred me by his constant staring out of the window (how this can 'wake' me, please don't ask...it just can..). He's been staring at the almost imperceptibly small flurry of snow that is currently falling. SNOW! Here in Southern England!....
Could this mean that it may be getting c-o-l-d at last?
Will I get to finally wear my new, never before worn coat?
Will C concede and perhaps roll his shirt sleeves down past the elbows?
Will British train timetables be catapaulted into chaos because it's the 'wrong kind of snow'?
I just hope it falls hard enough so that it feels a little bit more than Thor just shaking out his dandruff.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
How fast does a snail crawl?
If you are anything like A, and sit through endless nights battling insomnia, you may be a fan of trivia web sites. Oh! the things one can learn! For example,
Q. What is the average speed of a crawling garden snail?
A. 0.00036 miles per hour or 0.5842m per hour
Q. What was the average speed of a garden snail in Sherbornes with Pamber/Basingstoke today, given that there were gale force winds of 78 miles per hour?
A.12,553m per hour. That's a snail with serious speed.
It was VERY windy.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Something to aspire to
If we weren't crystal clear on why God had brought us to England, we are in no doubt NOW*...
Over the years C and A have been entertained by the eccentricities of The World Beard Championships.
The Rugby World Cup, The Olympic Games and The Commonwealth Games only occur every four years, but such is the popularity of The World Beard Championships that it takes place every second year...and this year it is being held in England...and not just that, but relatively close by in Brighton! Joy of Joys! The diary has already been updated!
Men who have a particular penchant for emphasising the artistic capabilities of their facial hirsutism gather with the following aims:
1. to promote good relationships between members of moustache and beard clubs throughout the world and,
2. to encourage and celebrate standards of excellence in the growth, design and presentation of facial hair.
What more could you want from a hobby?
And so the training begins for C as he has a bit of work to do in the next 8 months. The standard is very high as this is a serious global event as you can see by these chaps below (You can check out more contestants at the previous championships here.)

You can see C sizing up his anticipated style below. He likes to call his style "The Assyrian".

* Ok, so we're being a bit cheeky about pretending we don't know why we are here, but isn't God good that He created this 'coincidence' for us!!! (wink)
Friday, January 12, 2007
Oops! We seem to have been somewhat remiss...
Are you still there?
We do apologise for our absence-we accidentally sort of paused writing didn't we...but we ARE back now. Some things are just too deliciously significant in this world to simply ignore.
This is why we have returned to blogdom—where else would you ever see this? And 'More Tea Vicar?' wants to be a part of it!
Now to address our absence without a permission note...
The choice was to
(a) explain why we went AWOL
(b) update everything that has (or hasn't) happened since the last post on August 15, or
(c) just start again from now as it's still close enough to the beginning of 2007 to pretend that nothing happened.
...and the winning suggestion is, of course, C...the lazy person's friend!
One thing we did learn whilst blogging last year that it is wonderfully, heart-stoppingly encouraging to occasionally get a comment from you when you read this...it sort of makes us think that spending a few minutes every couple of days to sit down and think of something moderately interesting is all worthwhile to you, our friends. We were assuming that noone in the ether was reading us...please let us know if you are (even if it's just to tell us that's it's rubbish).
See you again very soon!