Observations from a trip 'home' - part 1
Evidently there's a whole lot of people who are reading this blog regularly-who knew?! So we will endeavour to keep plodding along with it and try to make it a little more interesting—however, due to jet-lag, we are NOT promising any great works of literature just now! Give us a day or two and we'll be up to scratch in writing about our 10 days in Oz...
In the meantime, because it's coming up to election time both in the UK and Australia, let's create another opinion poll:
Is this the meanest mini-bar* in history?

It's what we were presented with at our Heathrow airport hotel before flying out-usually there's at the very least a packet of monkey nuts isn't there?!
* not that we ever considered selling our internal organs to pay for any of the contents, but it is always pretty exciting to open the fridge door and find out what we could buy if we had no common sense to walk across the road to the mini-mart and normal prices...
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