
It's really very wet here at the moment. Our house is damp and misty from the atmosphere, but thankfully we have not seen our home or street turn into a fast flowing river as some our our friends—and a very great part of the English Midlands—have.
We are especially thankful for the lack of flooding (to date) as church is running their annual Summer (!) Holiday Club for Infants and Junior School kids. We have slightly soggy but otherwise energetic kiddies each day for this week and so far, so good. However the forecast is particularly bad for tomorrow (Thursday). Your ideas on a postcard for how to keep 61 kids and 30+ leaders amused and safe in a modest-sized village sports pavilion if we can't venture outside for midnight tonight please.
The winner gets our eternal thanks...
(and maybe some of our wet clothes to dry)
glad to hear you are not flooded.
Some ideas -
fly swats (do you have them in UK?) and balloons - hit like tennis
big onion nets or the like (maybe from Tesco) stuffed with newspaper - either hung from ceiling, like a kick-bag, or general kicking around
butcher's paper on the walls, draw outlines of each person - then decorate...
Probably too late for all these ideas - but here they are anyway - hope all goes well.
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