Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"These are a few of my (our) favourite things..."

Now that the countdown is officially "on", we have started to ponder over the little (and large) things that we will miss about living in Sydney. So, as we think of things, we will post them. This may bore you, dear reader, but will serve us a great purpose in acknowledging how much of Sydney life we love. So, in random order:

1. friends
2. friends from church
3. friends from the dog park (can you see a theme yet?)
3. Thai food
4. picking up a bbq chicken at the railway station after work
5. crickets chirping on a summer evening
6. The Sydney Morning Herald's Saturday quiz
7. good chocolate milk
8. icy cold beer on a hot day
9. the chorus of lawnmowers which heralds Saturdays
10. good coffee (and the general knowledge of what a "flat white" is)
11. Hamburgers that are only truly real when they have beetroot, pineapple AND egg in them
12. the word "crikey" when used in everyday language and not uttered from the mouth of Steve Irwin
13. the following words when used as Aussies use them—thongs, esky, bugger, dodgy, chips, pie floater, chook, maaate!
14. junk mail. Really.
15. the notion of taking as few steps as possible to avoid bindies on the lawn (brown and crispy) as you collect the mail from the letterbox
16. having a letterbox
17. having a lawn (even if it's brown and crispy)


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