... #18
...and showers with good water pressure. *sigh*
Cameron, Alex and Sasunnach the English Springer Spaniel - all of us Australian by birth - have moved, first to England, and now more recently to Northern Ireland! Cameron works at All Saints Church, Belfast, Alex is a skilled artisan, most recently using her skills as a Fine Art Printmaker (any excuse to play with dangerous chemicals!). Sasunnach, ('Englishman' in Scots Gaelic) likes being wet, chasing things, and being chased.
Now that the countdown is officially "on", we have started to ponder over the little (and large) things that we will miss about living in Sydney. So, as we think of things, we will post them. This may bore you, dear reader, but will serve us a great purpose in acknowledging how much of Sydney life we love. So, in random order:
Today marks just 4 weeks to go until we fly out of Oz. Are we panicking? Well, not exaaactly-but we have been a little busier than usual preparing to leave our Sydney life. For everyone who has ever moved before, it will come as no surprise that we have been living in chaos...and an incredible amount of useless, unidentifiable STUFF. We have photographed some of the identifiable goods that we *hope* will fit into our new, bijou Brit-pad...