Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Summer (while it lasts)

Here's a few pics to prove that we have been visited by summer this year. Of course, as I write, the wind is HOWLING outside the rain-streaked window...

Blue sky.

Plants we have grown from seed and not killed.by us nor eaten by spaniel (*insert gasps of awe here)


Getting ready for the summer camping holiday.

Need we remind you that the wind is HOWLING against the rain-streaked window!
And that large areas of the UK are still flood-affected.
And that we are planning to camp in Wales-generally regarded as sharing significantly similar characteristics to a wet sponge.

Wish us luck! See you soon...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Holiday Club 2007

May we introduce you to the Mighty Mighty King?

You will be joining the 60 kids and their parents who were introduced to Him last week at the annual Holiday Club.

Here is the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of the week:

60 kids of ages ranging between 4 and 12 (with11 on a waiting list)
38 leaders, helpers and generally wonderful adult assistants
4 different craft activities, requiring 15,294, 556 pieces of sellotape
11 different tee-shirt colours in 13 different sizes
850 activity book pages to colour-in, trace around and scribble on
720 cups of blackcurrant squash
320 malted milk biscuits
6 really, truly bad actors in a well-loved drama
5 excellent talks that introduced the kids to who Jesus is
1 central theme-The Quest for the King

You may remember that we wrote about the Holiday Club last year. Once again, we are thankful for God's goodness in providing a solid week of fun, safety and reasonable weather (remember it was flood week here in England). More importantly, it was a week in which the church tried to honour God by telling children and their parents about the King who wants them to know Him.

There are 2 ways to live. Everyone has a choice. One choice is by having God as your mighty King.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Quote for the day

"When you are a
Bear of Very Little Brain,
and you Think of Things,
you find sometimes that a
Thing which seemed
very Thingish inside you is
quite different when it
gets out into the open and
has other people looking at it."

A.A. Milne
from "Winnie the Pooh"

PS The sun is finally shining and the children are playing in the paddling pool...